Shahlan Hairalah

About Shahlan Hairalah

Shahlan Hairalah is the Chief Executive Officer and Principal, Halal Mangement Solutions of Sahl International Pte Ltd. He is trained in Biotechnology, Food Science, Business, Management and Marketing. He had held two concurrent portfolios while he was with Warees Investments Pte Ltd, which is the subsidiary of the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis). He was the Manager of Warees Halal, its international division providing Halal services. Muis is a statutory board and is a regulator on matters pertaining to Halal in Singapore.
At the same time, Shahlan was also the Head, Halal Certification (International), Muis. He was the international face of Singapore’s Halal. He marketed Singapore’s brand of Halal internationally and succeeded in putting Singapore as among the top Halal certification brands in the world. He was the driving force behind the recognition of Singapore’s Halal certification by the governments in the GCC in 2006. He was highly involved in Singapore’s many FTA negotiations in matters pertaining to Halal.
Prior to 2006, he managed administration and operations of the Halal Certification Strategic Unit, Muis. He was the Chairman of the technical committee of Singapore’s Muis Halal Standards (SMHS) – General Guidelines for the Development, Implementation and Management of a Halal System and a key member of the religious committee of the SMHS in 2005.
Shahlan Hairalah had represented Singapore in ASEAN Working Group on Halal Food Guidelines in 2001, 2002 and 2005. He was a trainer in the Training of Trainers of ASEAN Halal Food Inspectors in 2001. He had also represented Singapore as Chief of Delegation for Singapore in the Halal Working Group under the Unofficial Meetings of Religious Ministers of Negara Brunei Darussalam, Republic of Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore (MABIMS).
He is an expert in Halal conversions. They include the establishment of internal quality management system and training. Shahlan was instrumental in Halal projects of many international and local companies in the F&B and Hospitality sectors. In the manufacturing sector, Shahlan has worked very closely with the processed food, poultry and meat, and chemicals industry in providing developmental work, insights, advice and training on Halal, Halal certification and the Halal market.
Shahlan Hairalah had traveled extensively in his work on Halal and training on Halal. He has been invited to speak in many local and international conferences and lectures worldwide. In 2007, he had the privilege of sharing the same stage with asia’s best, in IE Forum 07, Singapore. He is a frequent speaker in the prestigious International Halal Food Conferences organized in Europe and USA. In 2008, he presented a strategic business paper on global Halal trade in Brussels, Belgium to many EU multi-national corporations.
He has been continuously awarded with the accreditation award of Business Management Consultant with Halal Specialization with SINGAPORE BUSINESS ADVISORS AND CONSULTANTS COUNCIL. This recognition scheme is strongly supported by Singapore’s Halal certification regulatory body. Shahlan is among a few to have attained this recognition.